Reading this article about an earth day event to calling to clean up abandoned uranium mines in North America.
Just wanted to share the article.
Depleted Uranium is extremely toxic. There is a huge abandoned uranium mine in Saskatchewan Canada as well, and in Australia there is a huge issue with depleted uranimum mines leaving uranium tailings piled up to be blown about by the wind.
Whenever I can find anyone willing to talk about radiation from Fukushima someone mentions Australia.
For some reason Australia is always touted as the country to live in if you are worried about radioactive fallout, because it's supposed to be extremely isolated from the rest of the world and far enough away from countries with nuclear power plants.
For some reason I just never got a good feeling about Australia, and one day I read about the Roaring Fourties, which is a wind that sweeps around the southern hemisphere due to a lack of landmass between 40 and 50th parallel south.
So I thought that sounded pretty freaky because if there is a wind that strong, how could australia be protected from other countries radiation? A simple search on "roaring forties (american spelling) and Radiation" brought up this . An entry from a blog of a woman living in australia about how the depleted uranium tailings are blown all over some parts of the country by the Roaring Fourties Wind.
There is so much hidden radiation that is never discussed. Recently my mother wanted to move to Quebec because she knows someone with a property there. She was concerned that radiation from Fukushima would be hitting the west coast soon. I knew there were a lot of nuclear plants in Ontario, so I started mapping some of the nuclear plants on google maps, including those in u.s. states which border canada. Not only is there a huge line of nuclear plants that dots the border of canada on the u.s. side, but there are 16 nuclear plants in ontario, and one in Quebec which was recently decommissioned. I read a story about the plant in quebec that described the decommissioning process. The story said that the plant would be put into it's shut down mode and left for 40 years until the radiation has dispersed enough for them to begin dismantling the building.
If this is the only option for dismantling a nuclear power plant, why the hell is anyone allowed to build them?
When are citizens around the world going to start caring and standing up for their rights?
We have a right to have a say in the forms of technology employed for our benefit (the benefit of electricity).
It all comes back to true democracy. If people demand that we make use of the internet and smart phone technology to enable mass voting on issues such as this, then we won't need a government to make decisions for us. We can be self-governed, and we can elect some government administrators to file the paperwork.
I always thought it made no sense to have politicians running the government. Why are major decisions which impact people's health and the environment not being made by top notch scientists who actually have the required knowledge to make informed decisions?
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